Do You Have a Chronic Lawn Problem? We Can Help!
Organic = Affordable!
Thrive’s One-and-Only Organics Based Lawn Program with 8 Visits/Applications. Welcome to…
The Cultivate Program
(…we are proud of this)
Thrive believes in a single-program lawn system. This means that, while staying very affordable, your lawn gets treated according to what your lawn needs…not according to a budgeted classification of what you want to pay for! Our Cultivate Program is loaded with action steps, not empty guarantees. The Cultivate Program is designed to give your lawn the essential nutrients, organics, cultural and environmental factors, as well as preventative measures to promote full-circle organic lawn health and lawn pride.
Compare our Cultivate Program to competitors who force you to choose a lawn program on a good-better-best scale. THRIVE! knows that a lawn needs what it needs regardless of your choice in program. That is why our customers hire us…so we can be the experts!
Let Our Professionals Handle It All!
Remember, Thrive is very committed to minimizing chemical usage and increasing organic matter content in the lawns we care for. Every step in our plan is designed to make your lawn healthier which in turn makes it stronger against the opportunistic and infectious weeds, fungus, pests and disease that plague it every day. Each of the treatment steps explained below are implemented for a specific reason to create a healthy, organic lawn habitat. Thrive gives lawns the immune system boost they need to stay virtually weed free and fight off other dangerous pests and disease.
Aeration: Breaking Through the Clay
Arguably the most important cultural practice for your lawn, aeration is a mechanical means of breaking through the tough Colorado clay and allowing water to penetrate the sun-baked “hard-pan” on your soil’s surface. Aeration also allows the nutrients, both in the soil and that have been applied by Thrive, to reach the roots of the lawn. The Cultivate Lawn Program offers TWO aerations per year!
Over-Seeding for Lawn Health
Often overlooked, over-seeding is vital to lawn health. Grass, like many other organisms found in nature, has a life span and needs to replenished as the older lawn begins to decline. Over-seeding also introduces newer, stronger, more drought-tolerant strains of grass species into the lawn without noticeable variance in color, texture, or general curb appeal. Thrive offers one over-seeding EACH YEAR performed at the same time as the fall aeration for optimal seasonal establishment.
Bye-bye Weeds!
What is better than killing your weeds? Killing your weeds before you or your neighbors ever have to see them! Picture pre-emergent like a weed blanket. This blanket is spread over all parts of your lawn and landscaped beds (without causing any injury to existing plants), and actually inhibits weed seeds from germinating. This has a two-fold effect. First, the weeds that are already germinated cannot effectively seed into your lawn and beds (which would make more weeds), and second, preemergent has a six to eight month life which means any weeds that blow in from your neighbor’s yard cannot take root either! The goal behind a pre-emergent is that Thrive can reduce weed populations on your property by 80%-95% over the course of two years, virtually eliminating the need for post-emergent products down the road. Thrive offers 2 Pre-emergent applications per year. Staggering treatments every six to seven months (Spring and Fall) keeps a constant weed barrier blanket on your lawn and landscaping. Thrive only uses products that have an EPA toxicity rating of “Warning” and below. (Thrive does not spray preemergent or other chemicals into vegetable gardens or any beds that are meant for repeat planting).
Organic Fertilizing…the THRIVE! Way
Don’t let them fool you! Not all fertilizers are equal! Thrive uses only OMRI-Certified organic fertilizer. Why is this so important? Organic fertilizer has an abundance of nutrients and organic by-products that are essential to soil health and the microscopic world that makes your lawn grow. Conversely, synthetic fertilizers are filled with salts that promote compaction in soils, decrease water absorption, and slow down or halt the processes that make your lawn grow. Our organic fertilizers are applied with other agents (organic soil conditioners, micro nutrients, bacterial food, etc) that will help your lawn fully use the nutrition that is being applied. In the organic lawn, all essential personnel are being cared for which in turn gives you the lawn you thought you could never have. Thrive applies organic fertilizer 5 times per season, riding each application on the tail end of the feeding cycle of the last application. Remember, happy soils mean happy lawns!
Soil Conditioners: Pulling Out the BIG Guns
Time to talk about the big guns! We did say organic…and we mean it! Organic soil conditioners, without a doubt, are one of the most important methods of correcting poor, clay soils. Without using unsightly and smelly(er) products like dairy compost or chicken poo (also higher salt content), organic soil conditioners recreate the environment that lawns need to thrive. Conditioning soil begins with adding organic matter to depleted soils. Over time, these soil conditioners help the soil take in water more readily, they stimulate microbial activity to reduce thatch, and they open up soils to allow lawn roots to reach minerals and nutrients that were otherwise too tightly locked in the compacted soils. After several years of using these products and testing their viability, Thrive is blow away by the results…and you will be too! Thrive applies two different soil conditioners in a total of FOUR applications per year. This is unheard of by our competition. They like to charge big $$$ for products that they know will really help you. That is not the case at Thrive.
Vitamins for Your Lawn
This is where it goes a little overboard! Just like your mom told you to take your vitamins, well, we are giving vitamins to your lawn. Some micronutrients are readily available in your soils. Others are not found as easily. Micronutrients are the essential contributors to a well-rounded lawn diet. Like humans, eating is one way of gaining nutrients such as iron, calcium and magnesium. But sometimes, a supplement is needed to help raise your levels of other minerals like zinc or manganese. Micronutrients round-out the lawn’s diet and contribute to its overall well-being. Thrive applies 3 applications of micronutrients per season.
Responsible Weed Control… Where Weeds Stay GONE!
All of Thrive’s organic fertilizing products help your lawn get healthy to remain weed free is great. But what about the weeds you have today? Post-emergent weed killers are the most effective beginning to the end of weeds. Healthy lawns naturally stay weed free. As Thrive begins to strengthen your lawn, one vital step is to eradicate the pests that are already plaguing it. Thrive is prepared to practice what we preach. Our goal is to move your lawn in the direction of needing little or no weed killers at all. One way we reduce the usage of weed killers is through using custom designed tanks that spot spray weeds. Rather than broadcasting weed killer over an entire lawn to kill a small number of weeds, Thrive can concentrate its spray efforts only to the exact area where a weed problem exists. That is responsible use of a necessary tool. Thrive applies post-emergent weed control two times per season to lawns and six times per season to beds. **Weeds are spot-sprayed only. Thrive only uses herbicides with an EPA toxicity rating of “warning” or below. Thrive uses approximately 90% less herbicide than its competitors.**
Your Satisfaction is Our Goal
Jarrod is a very professional, knowledgeable, caring person! Just what the Dr. ordered on a lawn needing help. You are in good hands with Jarrod and his crew!
Our Mission
THRIVE! Lawn Solutions Inc. was founded with the mission to take on tough Colorado lawns and cultivate them into beautiful, lush habitats. We want each lawn we treat to THRIVE!